
Henkel Loctite 3D printing – Resins and cleaners

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Henkel Loctite 3D printing – Resins and cleaners

Also available from us now!

LOCTITE  •  Cleaner C

Price Category 1
Highest price, usually also highest quality.

Price Category 5
Lowest price, usually also lowest quality.

Price Category Price Cat. 3

Price Category 1
Highest price, usually also highest quality.

Price Category 5
Lowest price, usually also lowest quality.

Price Category Price Cat. 3

Cleaner C

LOCTITE 3D Cleaner CLOCTITE 3D Cleaner CLOCTITE 3D Cleaner C

Cleaner C

LOCTITE 3D Cleaner C is used for cleaning of Digital Light Processing (DLP) printed parts. It is nonflammable at ambient temperature and non-harmful. LOCTITE 3D Cleaner C can be used at increased temperature up to 50 °C to adjust cleaning performance.

Manufacturer:Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Category:3D Printed Accessories and Resins
Stock Item:No

Price Category 1
Highest price, usually also highest quality.

Price Category 5
Lowest price, usually also lowest quality.

Price Category 3

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